The Full Story
Synapse Wellness & Counseling
What is a synapse?
The brain is responsible for every thought, feeling and action. This is done by a process of neurotransmission that takes place in the space between two neuronal cells in the brain. This tiny space is called the synapse. These tiny spaces on average are 20-40 nanometers wide. For perspective, the thickness of a piece of paper is around 100,000 nanometers. Our brain has billions of neurons and trillions of synapses.
Over the past decade researchers have discovered evidence that the brain, not only constantly changes and adjusts, but the brain also has the ability to move functions from a damaged area to an area that is not damaged. In other words, the brain has the ability to change its physical structure. These changes take place by learning new knowledge and skills.
Rigorous talk therapy and cognitive training have been proven to shift these changes in the brain.